Top Gun
PartyGaming is the worldwide market leader in wholly owned online casino games and is a FTSE Top 250 company with a valuation over £1 billion
The company owns websites such as PartyCasino, Party Poker and Party Bingo.
Despite being the substantial company it is, they had never published a branded game and lacked licensing expertise to develop an aggressive brand license acquisitions strategy
AT New Media was chosen as the expert interactive licensing agency when it comes to an aggressive license acquisitions strategy, following a competitive pitch
AT New Media’s Content Division has brokered licences to date between PartyGaming and Paramount Pictures as well as Canal+ for classic movies including Mission Impossible, The Godfather, Top Gun and Terminator. That is just a few. Additional projects as part of the company’s license acquisition strategy included Resident Evil (Capcom) and the Sinatra Estate. Knowing how to obtain multiple license from many genres is a strength of AT New Media
The first games were launched in Q2 2008 and the most recent from our work in the Spring of 2011
As well as convincing sceptical Hollywood studios to enter this, at one time, controversial category, the Content Division of AT New Media has also navigated the complex path to secure movie theme music rights
For more information about AT New Media’s license acquisition services, please contact Simon Kay